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Painters Palette

 Tween/Teen Class Series for Ages 10+

What is a tween/teen night?  We're glad you asked!  September through May, tweens/teens (roughly grades 5-10) enjoy one specially crafted class per month on a Tuesday night (5:30-7:45 pm) to come and hang out and meet new friends while having a great ART experience!


*Developed with older kids in mind, these classes allow them to learn, experiment, and trust their inner artistic voice.  Sharing their time with others while developing art and being creative allows them the opportunity to dream, create, and explore together. No previous art skills are needed!​ 


Classes and materials are carefully selected based on their ability to be "user friendly" and also offer a unique experience.  Free Range Art's Facebook and Instagram pages show videos and photos highlighting some of the projects the students have completed.  The amazing students of this class have experimented with alcohol inks, designed sneakers, used inks to color glass candy dishes, painted and planted ceramic succulent planters in macrame hangers, hand-formed clay gnomes from polymer clay, created 12" square ceramic tiles with raised words of gratitude, painted and framed images of pop icons in mixed media, carved Oreos to look like cameo designs, collaged images of pets using magazines and antique books, and painted in layers using coffee as their medium!! So. Much. Fun!


Another nice feature of the tween/teen nights has been that on these evenings, we allow the kids to bring food so any students who want to pack/bring dinner to sit and eat in the studio can do so.  So many good conversations with Chick-fil-A meals and friends have taken place during this time! Doors open at 5:30.  Class runs until 7:45. Prices vary depending on the materials used.


Just click the links, below, to register for any of the classes you'd like to join and also scroll down to see a detailed description of each class after clicking the registration button. 


LOCATION: All of our classes are held in the "Carriage House" at the Mill Offices. The address is 381 Brinton Lake Rd, Thornton PA 19373


When you pull into the parking lot, make an immediate right turn down the gravel drive to the Carriage House!

Acrylic Paint Tubes

Subscribe to our Monthly Updates Below:

Interested in learning more about what we have planned each month?  We LOVE that! We occasionally email new class offerings and updates.  If you'd like to receive those emails, please sign up here:

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